Symptom Checker

by Pain Assist Inc

Health & Fitness


Know the possible list of diagnosis based on the symptoms that you experience

This symptoms checker app is developed by to help you know the possible list of diagnosis based on the symptoms that you are experiencing. has created symptom checker to give differential diagnosis for your single or multiple pain symptoms. Pain symptom is considered as one of the vital sign. We have divided the symptom checker into 10 sections. Each main section of symptom checker has multiple sub-sections. The main sections of symptom checker is divided as follows:Head and Face PainNeck PainChest PainUpper Extremity Pain (includes elbow joint, forearm, wrist joint, hands, fingers, shoulder joint, upper arm etc…)Abdomen Pain (includes 9 sub quadrants)Pelvis PainThigh PainKnee PainShin and Calf PainAnkle and Foot Pain SectionsBased on your location of the pain, please click over appropriate part of body shown over symptom checker 3D image. You will be provided several questionnaires. At the end once you answer all pertaining questions provided by symptom checker you should click on section suggesting “Possible Diagnosis”. The next page will display multiple diagnosis ptovided by symptom checker.Before getting started:The symptom checker will not provide you with a single final diagnosis. Symptom checker provides you with a possible list of diseases depending on the answers which you have selected. You should consult your physician immediately for further investigation and diagnosis. Your doctor will eliminate the unrelated conditions and provide you a single diagnosis. Your treatment depends on correct diagnosis.Added Support for latest Android Version..

Read trusted reviews from application customers


Desmond sahr Nyandemoh


Funsho Adegboye

Where is the body map? It's not even showing up


Not so sure

Harry Lapojapo

This app will definitely scare some people away. Lol

Lori Cavazos

I could not get to the area that I was experiencing pain. I pushed on the upper leg but nothing happened. I tried over and over. There was only 3 locations highlighted to chose from head neck and back. I could not figure out how to click on anything else. Very irritating. Maybe they just need to explain better for people who are not tech sauvy.

Patricia Riddell

The worst symptom checker app ever! Doesn't ask any comprehensive questions, just ones that have the most common causes of certain pains. Like shoulder joints for instance. Not every pain is caused by a broken shoulder joint. There are other things that go with that pain, not just bone protrustions, bruises, inability to move the arm. Get more comprehensive. Cover more symptoms because pain can cause more than just a few symptoms and is caused by more than just the most logical things. What was this created by, ER fast track nurses? GET MORE COMPREHENSIVE!!!!

A Google user

I like this app it's very help ful

Melissa Frazier

It is awesome

Amy Sanchez

If you have medical issue that you are concerned about- this app has lots of info

Louise T Kovilaritch Conner